Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ojoy Ohappiness Obama

At la-a-ast, hope has come along...

I'm way too cynical to be so emotional... but this is such a big step in the good direction that I can't help it...
What I want/wish for my planet and its people is for the whole human race to be color blind, so that we can recognize people's worth and potential based on who they truly are, their personal achievements and qualities... not by the color of their skin, religious beliefs, level of education or what their ancestors did or suffered... and yesterday was proof that more than half of the American population wants that too.

Things are changing...Internet/instant communications have made the world so much smaller, younger generations don't see the world the same way most adults do. They understand the notion of being part of a greater whole more than the older generation ever did or will. And it gives me hope...

It gives me hope that maybe, in my lifetime, things will change... the world will stop fighting over old conflicts, people will learn to forgive and forget and we will start working together to heal our planet from what our parents, grand-parents and the folks before them did to it.

If 60 years is how long it took to achieve this... where will the next 60 years take us? For the first time in my life, I see the possibility of things getting better. With a smart, driven and charismatic man leading one of the world's most influential country, there's a chance that major conflicts will be solved, green energy will finally be put forward and discrimination will become a faded memory...

The future is now,
I believe in you Mr President...