My sister is renting a house in the Laurentians... about 1:30h from Montreal. The region has been under snow since Halloween and she is surrounded by a forest... aka middle of nowhere.
A couple of weeks ago she realized she wasn't alone in her house. There was a (lot of?) little critters munching holes in her cereal boxes and leaving many tiny footprints in the flour. After eliminating the possibilities of fairies and The Little family, she concluded they were mice and set up some home-made non-injuring traps. She eventually caught one, it was a teeny wood mouse (un mulot vraiment trop mimi!!!). She set it free in the woods. 24 hours later she caught another one, set it free, and so on for a couple of days. But as it went, the critter(s?) learned how to steal the cheese while escaping the traps so she had to devise more clever ones...
The last time she got one, the temperature was -28c (-18F) and she didn't want the mouse to freeze to death outside... so she kept it in a small cage... the weather never really improved and she brought it with her when visiting here...
We are now looking for a bigger cage to keep her until Spring :D I guess that's what happens when you grow up in a zoo :P
Please meet the new Ranger pet:

Since then, there was no raid in her pantry.. so lil miss mouse really was the only occupant of the basement...
THERESE CASGRAIN !!! hahahaha niiiice ! Trouvez-lui un ti-nami, "René Lévesque" serait bien !
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