When looking for a condo/duplex to buy, I was thinking of the biggest flaw most places have in Montreal... small windows...
I'm used to live in a glass house and a reduction in natural light is not acceptable for me.. I need my sun!
So I was thinking of ways I could go around this and thought of grow lights... the kind used for indoor plants in the winter so they don't die. They now sell those lights for humans too, to alleviate winter depression (caused by lack of vitamin D absorption)... so I could carve "windows" in windowless plaster walls, put those lights in and place a cool picture in front (like a beach...) with a frame.
Well somebody beat me to the punch; and if I can't get unit 551 and its two full walls of windows, I'll get fake windows and ceiling from THEM!!! check the website, seriously! I'm flabbergasted!!!
This is what they do... the lights are sunlight imitation (same wave frequencies and all)... you'll never need a lamp again!!!

and you can also get programmable lights that change with the time of day (from sunrise to sunset) the frequencies change so the colors do to!
This is f****n genius!!!!
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