Thursday, July 24, 2008

An evening in the dark

Group pic of the "wannabe" visually impaired, at our table, from left to right:
Sonia, Sam, me, Mui :P

The girls and me (plus Sam.. who kinda counts as a girl :P) tried the O.noir restaurant last night.
O.noir means "in darkness"...
The entrance is lit, so you can look at the menu and order food and drinks but after that, you go in the dining room... which is kept in total darkness. You place one hand on the left shoulder of the person preceding you (the waiter is going first), and you walk single file to your table, feel your chair and sit down.

The main point is to experience what it's like to be blind... to see (haha!) how it makes all your other senses more acute. I'd never realized how hard it is to use a fork and knife when you can't see where the food is on your plate! We ended up eating with our hands! Lucky that it's pitch black... no one could see our terrible table manners :P

Miraculously, none of us made a mess! No stain on the shirts, no trail of sauce of the arms... Sam dropped his napkin twice on his plate and got butter in his hair but that's it!

It really is great fun! The food is excellent and the experience, unique. I realized that I have a good sense of space (spacial memory?). After a short while I was able to reach for my glass of wine, fork and knife without thinking about it, and didn't knock anything over! I just remembered where it was by the movement I made to put it down before.

I'll definitely go back...

For more info about the place and its social vocation check the website here

Ho yeah, and I found my potato hanged in the bathroom... don't try to understand, it's a "you had to be there" thing... unless you know your summer camp scary stories very well, then you might get it if I say I thought it was a potato but turns out it was a turnip... nah, even with that you wont hehehe :P


Anonymous said...

I'm not retelling the joke, I just don't want to forget it :P
Now it will spin in the cyberspace forEVER woohahahaha!!! (that was an evil laugh..)