Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ca va toujours aussi bien dans l'monde

“Welcome to the East... sometimes I ask myself will the violence ever cease”

South Ossetia has been wanting to secede from Georgia for years, two referendums back up the claim, even though they were not recognized by any government, be it Georgian or international. (highly simplified version of History, for details see Wiki).
Tensions have been building for a while, and the Georgian government decided to swipe the region on August 8th, hoping the cleansing would pass unnoticed, the world's eyes being turned toward Beijing.
Didn't work too well... some people noticed the explosions, tanks and armed soldiers strolling around and the international community got its nose in. Russia intervened to back up the Ossetian army and it all should have ended 2 days ago, when the Georgian army retreated and conceded defeat.

But it didn't...

For fuck sake, why did Russia have to keep on advancing and invade Georgian territories that were quite happy being Georgian? You know, the bearded guys had a point when they declared greed a sin... can't you be satisfied with just freeing the people who actually want to be freed?... Do you really have to seek and destroy an entire country? What for? Just to prove you can? To teach them a lesson? (Russia has been pissed at Georgia -as well as Ukraine and Moldavia- for wanting to join NATO)

I think some Russian strategist has seen Braveheart one time too many...

So now the former attackers have become victims, shit has hit the fan and no one knows when it's gonna stop (some say not until Russia has overthrown the Georgian government).
Meanwhile, houses are destroyed, people are killed, hoards of civilians are fleeing as they watch their lives' work go up in smoke... all in the name of greed...

What a wonderful world.

*update: it's seams like a cease fire has been achieve Tuesday night, and both sides have signed a peace agreement, thanx to France (who's presiding over the EU this year). Now the question is: will it hold and be respected... and for how long.. yes I'm a cynic, get used to it*