Tuesday, May 12, 2009

back to the ocean

I'm going back to Newfoundland tomorrow... but I don't have a plane ticket yet :P this last minute thing is really going for the limit... though I'm sure it'll be in my inbox in the morning I hope!

I'll be on the Henry Goodrich this time.. new people, new systems get used to the term I'm tired of saying rov all the time ok?, new schedule and way of doing things. Apparently there should be a better gym and even a sauna on there! woohoo! but I probably will also have a roommate in that deal, since my gender is represented in limited numbers but still on the rigs, not as rovs but in maintenance crews, administration, HR, etc.

I might get to play with our brand new MAG148, it's so teeny tiny and shiny and pretty!!!! XD
chances are the more senior guys will have all the fun, but since were a smaller team than on the Osprey there's a good chance I'll get my hands on it it's a learning thing you see... gotta learn how to work all types of systems... hehe

So my bags are packed.. I try to go only for the essentials, but it doesn't seem to make a difference in the final weight of my duffel bags :S

That's it for now, got a date with Jon Stewart and my daily dose of HAHAHA and HOOOO no he didn't just say that!!!