Friday, November 21, 2008

where am I? hell?

I can't wait to make it to Superintendent... I'll transfer to the Gulf just so I can fire some of those fuckin American morons I'm stuck with now.

All that follows are real quotes. I swear to you, I'm not making this up...

jackass #1: "who cares about overseas! I aint never leavin the Us."
About starving children searching for food in the garbage in Angola
: "you throw fries at them so they leave you alone?" this guy is lucky to still be alive.. if he falls off a rig that I happened to be on, it wont be an accident believe me >:(

the blimp: "what's the difference between a maxi pad and a tampon?" he's 29yo, married with two kids

fuckin moron: "ha man I gotta sleep! those two chicks kept me up till 5am huh huh huh..."
the guy is married, his wife is 6 weeks pregnant

what are you doing? d'you wanna come to my room? Have a beer? (I wont write more details... not sure who's reading my blog anymore, but let's just say the invitation involved more than drinking) from a married guy with 4 kids

the blimp again: "there's 3 things you have to do when you're married, a dutch oven, the fruit bowl and golden showers" google those if you dont know what they are :S

the blimp yet again: "my wife is dumb as a brick." but you married her... that makes you the biggest dumbass

bit of conversation during ET class:
"student -I heard there's a stripper with a peg leg around here...
teacher -it's not true
student -what about the midget? at that place "Mr Lucky"?
teacher - nah.. Mr Lucky's closed now, but it wasn't a strip club.. it was.. well, a notch over strip club...
blimp - a car wash?" yeah the blimp is quite something...

Add to that half the guys in the yard asking Nathalie and Maria to fix me up with them, a guy stopping his car in front of me to try and to pick me up on the street, and another one trying to convince me he really regrets hooking up with his girl cause he likes me better... can I please go home now? I'm done thanx...

The lesson to be learn here:
NEVER get involved with an American!! At least not one that works in a field that sends him away from home for more than 2 weeks at a time. They all cheat, they all lie. It doesn't matter how long they've been with the girl or how hot she is... when away from home that girl doesn't exist anymore. I've seen guys pay to fly their girlfriend over for the weekend and hook up with a "local" the day she left... classy shit, really.
And the way they talk about their girls is so demeaning... unless they're talking to her on the phone of course... then they're all sweets and I miss yous... as soon as the phone is down it's "pfff, I've been with her waaaay too long", "are we going to the strip club?!" and "hooo yeah that chick last night was hooot!!!"

I only heard two guys say they love their wife and talked respecfully about her... and they were both over 60yo...



Zygoth said...

Pffff rien pour aider la cause des hommes.... heureusement tu as aussi été témoins des gars européen! ;) Bientôt tu sera de retour avec nos p'tits québécois sans avenir ni ambition mais parfois amoureux d'une seule femme... ;)

M'ennui xxx So