Monday, January 4, 2010


Just came back from seeing it in 3D... I am floored!!!

It's been ages since a movie mesmerized me like that! Beautiful, magical, from start to finish. The whole story line wasn't even necessary, the f**** military just made me want to jump in the screen and destroy them!!! So evil, but so close to reality... I don't like that :S
I would have been content with a 3h Nat Geo on the life of the Na'Vi... They are so sexy!!! 12ft tall, pointy ears, lion eyes... *sigh*

And Pandora, their planet.. it's like being underwater but in a jungle.. all the bio luminescent that make the ocean so wonderful is there... all over... even on the Na'Vi themselves... plants that react like coral, seeds that are like jellyfish... animals reminiscent of dinosaurs, fish and mammals... all mixed together.

Now... how do I get cryogenized until 2154 so I can go on Pandora and become one of them?

Go see it!!! Everyday!!! On the biggest screen you can find and in 3D!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Steph. I Think it is by far the best visual movie I have ever seen!!! Fantastic, words can't do it justice!!

Ian Francis

bluefairie said...

Hey Ian!
How's it going?
I agree, once again Cameron has set higher standards in movie making :P