Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My head is spinning a little... I got caught in the ol' hurry up and wait...

Around 9am the verdict fell, people with suit issue have to leave now as in NOW! now or it will go to Friday at the soonest.

So I rushed inside,
- packed my PPE (got told today too I'm probably not coming back to the Goodrich next time :( boooo!),
- was told I might not leave afterall, cause there might not be a spot for me on the boat, but to still packup everything just in case...
- watched the safety video
- woke up Jan because I had to get my suitcase and stuff from the room
- threw everything in the suitcase randomly in 5 minutes
- rushed to heli admin 3 floors up with the survival suit that don't fit but that I still have to carry around, the suitcase and the PPE
- was told there that there IS a spot for me so I'm going... they'll call us when it's time
- then, the departure time was pushed after the safety meeting... at 12:30

so now I'm a bit nauseous, and I'm pretty sure my shampoo is slowly leaking and seeping in all my books and clothes, but I'm ready and all is under control... for now...