Saturday, March 6, 2010

A day at Cougar

When weather is s*** and we're waiting to go offshore, here's what the day looks like

05:00am, Wake up
05:45am, Go to heliport
06:00am, Check in
06:30am, Watch safety video
07:00am, Sit in lounge and wait to be called
07:15am, Look outside, realize that visibility stops right outside window
07:30am, Hear rumor that we're not going anywhere
08:00am, Get a pager but still have to call the hotline every half hour in case pager does not work :S and voucher for breakfast and lunch, dinner + hotel room if you're on night shift
08:30am, Go to Comfort Inn for breakfast
09:30am, Go back to room to sleep or sit in lobby if you're on day shift
10:00am, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
10:30am, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
11:00am, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
11:30am, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
12:00pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
12:30pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
01:00pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
01:30pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
02:00pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
02:30pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, go back to sleep
03:00pm, Call Cougar hotline to see if there's any change, hear that all flights have been canceled for the day
03:30pm, Go back to Cougar to get luggage,
04:00pm, Go back to hotel

End of day

Repeat until the choppers fly...


Anonymous said...

I think thats a pretty accurate recorde of any bad day at cougar.


bluefairie said...

these days it's an accurate record of every day at Cougar... they are back logged until next year!!!

read my lips : n.e.e.d. m.o.r.e. c.h.o.p.p.e.r.s!!!!
