Monday, October 5, 2009

offshore ROVing = hallucinations?

I'm having the weirdest dreams again...
It seems like every time I'm offshore, after 2 weeks I start dreaming strange stuff. Vivid dreams I remember clearly. Last night I dreamed I was applying Ceasar's the dog whisperer training technique... but to a cat and a kid! :S and that dream went on forever... with shopping involved, to socialise both of them... wtf?!

And it's not just me... almost all the guys have those very clear, weird dreams, after a couple of weeks spent here... it was the same on the Osprey... except that they were horrible nightmares, but then again, the well we were working on was going straight through one of Hell's gates so it might have been some demons playing tricks on us :P seriously, that thing was cursed!

So... what's the cause for those dreams? stress? isolation? we're 140 people on board.. not exactly alone... something in the tap water? afterall it IS orange... slow-take food poisoning? godamn meat and potatoes everyday >:( rov pilots are crazy to begin with and the offshore environment just brings it up more? that might be it :P

any ideas all you shrinks out there?