If you had any doubts that women's situation has evolved in the past 50 years, here's a sample of what was law in Quebec around 1930 :
l'homme peut divorcer si sa femme le trompe. Par contre, la femme peut divorcer seulement si son mari entretient sa maîtresse sous le toit conjugal, car "la blessure faite au coeur de l'épouse n'est généralement pas aussi vive que celle dont souffre le mari trompé par sa femme".
A man can divorce his wife if she cheats on him. However, a woman can ask for a divorce only if her husband's mistress is living at home with them, because "the pain caused to the heart of the wife is usually not as strong than the pain suffered by the husband that has been cheated on".
A man can divorce his wife if she cheats on him. However, a woman can ask for a divorce only if her husband's mistress is living at home with them, because "the pain caused to the heart of the wife is usually not as strong than the pain suffered by the husband that has been cheated on".
This piece-of-crap-law was abolished in 1954!
Another jewel, from 1917, written by Henri Bourassa, opposing women's right to vote:
«La fonction de la femme est la maternité, sa place est au foyer et l'inégalité politique est fondée sur la biologie. (...) la femme sera inévitablement souillée si elle descend dans l'arène politique, les familles seront divisées (...).»
A woman's function is maternity, her place is at home and political inequality is based on biology [...] women will be inevitably defiled if they enter the political arena, families will be divided[...]
A woman's function is maternity, her place is at home and political inequality is based on biology [...] women will be inevitably defiled if they enter the political arena, families will be divided[...]
Doesn't that remind you of something else? ... something very 2009... Something like, Women shouldn't be educated, or allowed outside without a man present...
50 more years to go?

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