Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love and human remains

I hate the idea of valenfuckintine day this year. This holiday has never brought me any joy, but this year especially, it really gets to me. The sight of even the tiniest red paper heart makes me want to kill/cry/scream/puke depending on my mood of the moment.

But it got me thinking.. well actually, I've been thinking about this for months now... let's say it got me writing...

The most depressing theory I've ever heard was in an episode of Sex and the City, the "taxi" theory. They were talking about men, but women are the same. It said that men are like taxis running with their light closed. They pick up women just for fun and drop them as easily, until one day their light goes up. The next woman who gets in is the one they'll keep... not because she is more special than the others before, but because they are now ready to settle down and be serious/buy a house/reproduce and her timing was right.
I didn't want to believe it, it's the saddest thing ever... but I look around and I have to admit it's true. I see it everywhere. There are some exceptions, but they are few.

It used to be that 2 people would meet, and would start going out, just because it clicked, and if it didn't work after a while, they'd break up and move on to the next adventure (ok not always that clean and easy.. but you get the point...) . People were not afraid to say they were in love... Even if the relationship only lasted 2-3 months, it was still true for that moment.
Now a guy will sleep regularly with a girl, hang out with her, spend hours talking with her, really "like" her.. but will refuse to call her his girlfriend, say he won't see other people (even if he hasn't been with anybody else for months) and will never use the dreaded "L" word!
Not only is the light not on.. but we're so afraid it might light up and we'd be stuck with that person that we won't commit to anything...
When did going out with someone become this huge burden no one is willing to carry?

So.... what the hell is wrong with the 25-35? Are honesty, trust, romance, devotion and the idea of true love completely outdated and uncool now?
Are we so focused on instant gratification and stimulation at any price that passion is the only acceptable thrill?

People of my generation see relationships as a consumer product. Disposable things not worth bothering with. If it's damaged or broken, it's easier to just get a new one instead of trying to repair the one we already have.
It doesn't even have to be damaged... when a new model comes along we switch, even though it's exactly the same as the one we had, just a different color and with sleeker lines. And that one too will be disposed of, when a newer version will arrive on the market.

I wish I could say down with love, fuck it and forget it... but I can't. I was raised to believe in it, I saw it in front of me all my life, with my parents, grand-parents, aunts and uncles...

so even though people my age are selfish thrill seekers,
and good people end up with assholes and vice versa,
and people who receive sweet attentions rarely appreciate or deserve it
and really good people are always singles
while jerks and bitches have lineups at their door
and that the more you treat guys like shit the more they run after you
and when you treat them right they walk all over you and treat you like a dirt rag

even though all this... fuck... I've seen the real thing in older generations, it has to exist in mine...


When will things even out and people of substance find each other?


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